Posted in Uncategorized with tags on November 26, 2013 by wlim14



A. Read and study each of the situations and then try to decide how you would help resolve the problems presented



You go to a school where there is a lot of pressure to achieve a high grade. The situation is further complicated by your demanding parents who expect you to do well. You have a pretty good average over your first three years in high school. You are now in your senior year and in a physics class. The teacher is a little unfair. He has planned a difficult test for you and your classmates. You know from the past experience that 50 percent of the students cheat at their exams. You have studied pretty hard, but you know that unless you cheat, many others will get a higher grade than you. What would you do?


Reasons to cheat (3) Reasons to remain honest (3)

1 _Peer Pressure___________     ___   Goes against morals.

2 _Parents Pressure___________ ___Pride_________

3 _Unstrict teacher_________ ___Guilt________


My decision: On a scale from 1 (most inclined to cheat) to 5 (I will remain honest), I would decide: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 /



A good friend of yours offers you some drugs in order for you “to get high”. You show an initial unwillingness to take them. He tries to talk you into it by saying that his experience with drugs is that they are fun. Besides, he says, you cannot really hurt anyone but yourself. He further adds that it is nobody’s business but yours whether you take the drug or not. The law and parents should no prevent you from enjoying yourself. Would you take the drug?


                           Reasons to take drugs           Reasons not to take drugs


1 ___Peer Pressure____________                 __Parents__________

               2 ___Thrill____________________ ___Morals________


3 ___Experience_____________ ___Honor____________


My decision: On a scale from 1 (most inclined to take it) to 5 (I will not take the drug), I would decide: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 /



Your post high school career has taken you into the Air Force. Unfortunately, your country is at war with a separatist group of rebels in a far off town that wants to secede on the basis of their beliefs. You respect the law and believe very much in the values in your constitution. On a particular day, you are ordered to bomb and totally destroy the village where the rebels are hiding. The rebels are a majority there although among them too are many old people and children. The residents do not support the rebels but are silent on account of their fear of the rebels getting back at them. Should you bomb?


Reasons to bomb Reasons not to bomb


1 _____Threat__________________ ____Against Morals____

               2 ____Orders___________________ Destroys other people’s lives

                 3 ____Pressure_______________          __Guilt__________


My decision: On a scale from 1 (most inclined to bomb) to 5 (I will not bomb), I would                       decide: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 /





  1. SITUATION A: Is cheating ever right? Does the argument “because everyone else is doing it” make it right? Can you think of some consequences for society if morality were based on that argument?


No it is not right to cheat. It does not make it right if everyone else is cheating especially if it is against what one’s morals is. If morality were based on this argument then a consequence may be disorder between community since people may agree on the wrong facts and wrong ideas. Such as, if a lot of people go against traffic rules then it is made right then a ton of accidents may occur and lives may be lost in bunches.


  1. SITUATION B: Would your decision concerning drugs have made a difference if the drug were marijuana? Shabu? Do parents and society have a right to limit your “fun”?

No, I would still not take drugs because it not only endangers one’s life but shortens it. Taking drugs may also bring consequences to others since the side effects of these drugs may cause one to do things that are not safe for others. Yes parents and society have a right to limit my fun since they provide order and guidance towards my being.



  1. SITUATION C: Are we always obliged to follow authority? Where do we draw a line between disobedience to law and conscience?

No we are not obliged to follow authority always since there are times that even the authority commits wrong doings such as corruption seen through the recent pork barrell case. We must think with our head and determine when the authority is right and is wrong. We must be obedient to law always since these laws are usually made for our safety and to allow coexistence amongst the people in a community.


  1. Something is right for me if I think it is right 


[ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ __x__ ] [  ____ ] [ ____ ]

   1    2   3   4  5


  1. Something is right if my intention and feelings are right.

[ ____ ] [ __x__ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ]

   1    2   3   4  5


  1. Something is right if others say it is.

[ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ __x__ ] [ ____ ]

   1    2   3   4  5


  1. A mix of many things


[ ____ ] [ __x__ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ] [ ____ ]

   1    2   3   4  5



Posted in Uncategorized with tags on August 6, 2013 by wlim14



Posted in Uncategorized with tags on July 19, 2013 by wlim14
  2. MOM
  3. DAD
  7. TV
  10. MOVIES


   In my opinion, the top 3 influences in my life are my own personal experiences, my mom and my dad. They are my top influences since firstly, through my personal experience, I get to learn first hand and experience it which allows me to gain more knowledge about it. Secondly, my mom is an important influence since she was there for me since I was a child. She always took care of me and supported me. Finally, my dad who was always there for me too. Through the both of them, I was able to learn and live a life similar to them. They are my role models and so, my actions usually reflect what I’ve learnt from them.


Posted in Uncategorized with tags on July 17, 2013 by wlim14



  • If God loves you, why is he always telling you what to do?
  • Doesn’t it demean you, as a woman to wear that headscarf?
  • How do you know how to act without a religion to show you the way?




For the first question:

  • It may be viewed to be challenging God’s love or the faith of one.
  • People may be offended by the way the statement was phrased
  • Words to fix: “why is he always telling you what to do” this is to direct and may be understood negatively


For the second question:

  • It may be viewed as insulting since it challenges one’s belief
  • Words to fix: “demean”


For the third question:

  • It may challenge different points of views between different religions
  • It may hurt or insult these people who believe in their own respective beliefs




  1. How does God show his love to us through the commandments and the rules which he has set?
  2. What does your headscarf represent with respect to your belief?
  3. What is your opinion on the topic of religion showing us the way?


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on July 9, 2013 by wlim14

     The difference between religious reasoning and moral reasoning is that, in religious reasoning, the basis of their reasoning would be on their faith. Moral reasoning on the other hand, is reasoning based on the idea of what is right and wrong, and the good and bad of life. Both these reasoning may contradict one another sometimes yet may also compliment one another at other instances. One instance that they may go together would be when both ideas agree or fit in with both moral and religious beliefs. Both these reasonings compared to others is that both of them are opinion based since, these reasonings usually allow us to have different views and understandings towards it. In my opinion, there is no superior form of reasoning since I find reasoning to be something that is opinionated or based on one’s point of view. For example when a person believes that sacrificing is right since it is what he believes in, and that he could support it with religious reasoning, it is sure that moral reasoning wouldn’t agree with this ideology. It would pretty much go against it which would result to a conflict of agreement and conflicts on ideas.


Posted in Uncategorized with tags on September 17, 2012 by wlim14


Today, my partner and I have learned how molecular shapes are formed. We were able to discover this through the use of marshmallows and toothpicks for our representation. From this, the trend which we were able to see is that it’s shape changes due to the number of atoms varying from one to another. This clearly affects the size, shape and style of the molecule. This was when we truly discovered how the VSEPR theory worked in our modern day society through different shapes of molecules due to the number of atoms, bonds and lone pairs which all affect it’s bond angle and it’s molecular shape


Posted in Uncategorized on August 27, 2012 by wlim14



Posted in Uncategorized on August 20, 2012 by wlim14



Dihydrogen Monoxide

Posted in Uncategorized on August 15, 2012 by wlim14

Dihydrogen Monoxide is basically known as Water or H20. It was actually given a fancier name or made it sound in a ‘deeper’ sense. This article basically is true but gave great emphasis on its negative sides or effects rather than its positive sides. It was also given an ample amount of exaggeration which resulted to a more dramatic effect. I do sort of agree with this article because it does truly show what harm this may do but at the same time I disagree because of how this article expressed how dangerous it really was compared to its true nature. This substance is made with dangerous mixtures which needs trained scientist to handle, which means some of these risks may have been removed through its process. Researching about Dihydrogen Monoxide truly showed that this is a ‘bad’ substance without anything good with it which to be truthful have done pretty much more of bad than good. Despite all these, it was able to help produce fire suppressant materials, styrofoam (which causes global warming) and many more. I do agree that this should be banned but it should not be treated this negatively. The article did not defy and/or balance the pros and cons of this substance and how it may be used for the better. It did not give it potential but showered it with negativity. It showed mostly negative effects of the Dihydrogen Monoxide yet it did not occur to the person writing this article that this was used in a negative way maybe because the people handling or using it had a bad purpose in mind rather than good. To summarize, I would say that this should be banned yet it should be given a chance to stand and have a better fight through better use of this substance.


Posted in Uncategorized on August 12, 2012 by wlim14

这个星期我么都没有学校了因为菲律宾经验了很多的暴雨。因为有很多的家,绿和别的地方在掩盖有很多的东西在水害了。我和跟我的家人都没有难度所以我又去帮助学校包东西给别的人。我也有跟我的家人一起去 ‘Marikina’ 帮助他们也给他们东西再吃和穿。我们很难过因为有很多的人都没有家了还是没有他们的东西了因为坏了。我父母叫我跟别的人一起去 ‘Marikina’ 帮助他们。我们去了星期五,星期六和星期天。我也横高兴因为我有帮助别的人也因为我给他们高兴。